I.P. Grease CS

Calcium Sulfonate Grease

This product is perfect water resistant grease for operation at high temperatures and loads (inherent EP specs) made from complex Calcium Sulfonate soap and high quality heavy mineral base oils which can resist very high shock loads needless of EP additives.
It can resist pressure and wear under heavily loaded bearings and does not suffer from softening or losing structure.


Based on its inherent thermal and mechanical stability this product is suitable for lubrication of industrial bearings under adverse operational conditions such as high temperatures and pressures, shock loads, water and … common in heavy industries (steel, cement and …).

Features & Benefits:
Superior protection against corrosion and wear under heavy shock loads without EP additives
Outstanding mechanical and oxidation stability
Very high dropping point and working temperature range
Resists water washing and provides satisfactory lubrication under adverse washing conditions
Technical Data:

This product is delivered in NLGI grades 1 to 2 but can be produced in other grades as per request of costumers. The values shown here are typical of current production figure and may vary within modest range.
